Sunset Terrace is located in Northwest Rochester. The school serves approximately 690 K - 5 grade students, known as the Wildcats. Sunset Terrace staff believe all students have the ability to achieve at high levels. Curriculum is an integration between core skill sets, like reading and math, as well as social and emotional skills. Families play a critical role in their children’s experience. The Sunset Terrace community believes families play a critical role in their children’s education experience and aim to collaborate with each family as a partner in education.

Two students smiling at the camera

Get Connected. Sunset works hard to keep you informed.

Two students smiling at the camera, one's wearing a paper crown

 Invest in the future. Our school works in many ways to better our community and our students.

Principal and assistant principal with the mascot, Wilson

Technology in the Classroom. Technology is integrated into our curriculum to help prepare our students for their future. As technology develops, so does our curriculum. 

two students in the gym, smiling at the camera

Teaching students to explore. Sunset Terrace strives to create curiosity in new subjects and help students explore new experiences.

A student standing outside, smiling at the camera

Learning beyond the classroom. Sunset Terrace offers learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom with sports, clubs, and fine arts opportunities.

A group of students standing in front of the lockers

Encouraging students. Students open up to learn in and out of the classroom.